I`m Adetola Aremu
I am a well-rounded software engineer skilled in both frontend and backend development, with a focus on building scalable applications and designing robust databases.
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Selected Work
JtwentySeven Portal
This is a website I just delivered for the client in May, 21st 2024. I built the portal both public and private (admin) using TALL stack. I built this also singlehandedly making sure public clients can effectively navigate this portal and admins can control what is being done on the portal.
Pay Pension Portal
A pivotal platform for micro pension remittance, developed using Laravel, Livewire, Tailwind CSS, Alpine, and Vanilla JS. I built this project single-handedly, ensuring a seamless end-to-end experience from PIN verification to payment and payment confirmation.
ARM Esteem - Loyalty Reward Program
A comprehensive reward program for loyal clients. Clients can access a wide range of product offerings ranging from groceries discounts, gym membersip discounts etc. The application features a Laravel API backend and Vue frontend. I collaborated with a colleague on the frontend and built the backend singlehandedly
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something great? I’m ready when you are